Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Only a few more days...

Until I have an empty nest. Im definitely having mixed feelings, but I think it will be a positive change for us both....I do have that "list" of things I always wanted to do when the kids were gone, more reading, crafting, etc...BUT Im not sure I will get used to the slower pace....

BY the way, hope you enjoy my ABBA music...LOVED the movie!


Pat said...

Oh Lori sending hugs.

Theresa said...

Girl, I'm there for you! Remember so well those days. I will tell you that there will be a day coming when the girls come home for the weekend and you are like "well let me help you pack the car!"

*Monica B* said...

That just means you get to spend more time online with us =) Just kidding. I know it must be tough for you, but I am guessing you will enjoy the free time. {hugs} for you!