Thursday, October 16, 2008

Tagged by SARAH!

Ok I have been tagged by Sarah and will try to comply.


Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

ONE....I was lured into a Yellow jackets nest as a 5 yr old by my brother ( he says it was accidental!) and was stung 36 times!

TWO....My current fav ice cream is weight watchers vanilla ice cream sandwiches.

THREE....Fall is MY favorite season too.

FOUR....I can play the clarinet, saxophone and piano, though not very well anymore.

FIVE....I love to play online Scrabble!

SIX.....Im addicted to General Hospital, thanks to my grandma who got me started back in the 70's.

SEVEN....I have moved so many times in my married life that I cant even count them, including apartments, mobile homes, military housing, one levels, two levels, with and without basements!

I am tagging Monica M, Monica B, Pat, Theresa, Tonya, Colleen, Diana.

Sorry I dont know how to do the linking thing!


Sarah Coggins said...

LOL at the title. :D You brother was a mean child - a yellow jackets nest? OUCH! Grateful for #7 - you'll be closer!!

Unknown said...

i just did mine..
by the way if you want to link something go to the tab and change it from edit HTML to compose then press the chain and add the link.. the the >< will happen and add the name or website.. that's it..
if you have questions let me know

Pat said...

I'll be doing mine now. I don't know how to link either, but I'll try Tonya's directions.

Monica Loewen said...

Very fun, Lori - I did mine on my blog, plus tagged you with something else. Go check it out!

Theresa said...

Thanks for the tag but everyone knows everything about me already. That's what happens when you talk as much as I do!